Your best marketing comes from OTHER people!I’m going to let you in on a little secret about word of mouth marketing 🤫…Jun 5, 2022Jun 5, 2022
6 Websites You Need To Create Great Email NewslettersOver the course of my 4 years in email marketing, I’ve built up a repertoire of must-have tabs on my browser. Here are 6.May 9, 20221May 9, 20221
Let Me Explain The Email Marketing SandwichI use a Cubano sandwich as an analogy to explain something important about using email to grow your businessApr 25, 2022Apr 25, 2022
Published inStartup StashThe 7 Must-Have eCommerce Marketing AutomationsA robust series of automations are the present and future of email marketing.Apr 11, 20221Apr 11, 20221
Here’s How To Write A Better Call To Action (CTA)Writing better calls to action (CTA) begins with thinking of them as calls to VALUE, not ACTION.Mar 21, 202234Mar 21, 202234
Should You Send Emails To Inactive Subscribers?There’s this idea that inactive = not an ideal customer. That’s simply not true.Mar 14, 2022Mar 14, 2022
What Should You Do When You Screw Up An EmailIf you’re sending emails — whether it’s a personal email to a friend or a newsletter to thousands of subscribers — here’s one thing that’s…Mar 7, 2022Mar 7, 2022
6 Ways to Add Value to Your Email NewslettersThe trick to more sales from your email marketing campaigns? Stop selling and start providing your readers with value.Jun 11, 2021501Jun 11, 2021501
What Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection Means for Email MarketingReady or not, mail privacy protection is coming to iOS 15.Jun 7, 20212Jun 7, 20212
Email Marketing Isn’t Dead, Your Email Just Suck.That’s a provocative title, granted. But I have to meet insanity with unadulterated mockery because that’s what it deserves.Feb 10, 2021Feb 10, 2021
How To Format Blog Posts For Search Engine OptimizationA primer on how to write so search engines will pay attention.Feb 28, 2020Feb 28, 2020
How To Actually Stick To Your New Year ResolutionsForget radical New Year Resolutions you won’t stick to like going to the gym 5x a week. There’s an easier easier way to transform your…Dec 31, 2019Dec 31, 2019
Networking Should Be Your 2020 New Years ResolutionHow networking improved my social and work life by accident and how it’ll only get better from here.Dec 22, 2019Dec 22, 2019
How Your Business Can Get Better At Social Media MarketingHas someone at your business ever said, “We want to get better at using social media.”Nov 29, 2019Nov 29, 2019
Published inThe StartupAdvice To My Younger Self: Focus On One ThingI’m what is sometimes called a multipotentialite. A multipotentialite is someone with many interests and creative pursuits.Nov 12, 20192Nov 12, 20192
Here’s How To Start Your Writing CareerI’ve always known that I wanted to write. But I wasn’t always sure how to make it a career…until now.Nov 7, 2019Nov 7, 2019
Why Your Business Needs A Professional WriterWriting is an odd profession in that it’s something everyone can do, but some can do it better than most and they make money off of it.Mar 12, 2019Mar 12, 2019